This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Put Some Sunshine in Your Life.

"a big nothing - 2" by Anne-Hélène Lebrun (a.k.a. Frall)

Howdy, ya'll. I hope everyone is having a beautiful day, evening, or whatever time it is when you are reading this. I have been a major slacker by not updating my blog as often as I should, it's just I try to make a point at including a song in my post... and I haven't really found anything worth posting lately! Anyhow, I've been rescued and have found something.
I present to you Micah P. Hinson. Hailing from the good ole' U.S.A. his cutesy banjo (which really made the instant descision for me to post this. I'm a sucker for banjo's) and Johnny Cash-inspired vocals, it was an instant winner to my ears. It's a short song, falling under 2 minutes, but it's pretty much the adorable love song of the moment:

Next I bring not one, but two songs from one artist that I had never heard of before posting: Adam & the Amethysts. Their latest record, Amethyst Amulet, was released on the little Montreal label Pome Records on June 10 of this year. Their two songs I have heard, "The Return" and "Stupid Ocean," have given me a good reason to discover their other songs- they infuse folk and pop with whispy vocals, like a feathery counterpart to The Submarines. Give them a go:

I finished my book, Looking For Alaska by John Greene, and I have to tell you I cried. I maybe shouldn't have cried, but I did. It was a good way to tie up loose ends at the finish- it was the book that I wanted to finish to go to new books, but didn't really want it to end. Damn you, John Green! I'm going to search for his other book, An Abundance of Katherine's on my next trip to the library. If not, I'm going to just have to buy it. I definitely would buy it- I have to support him somehow! Alaska was sent to me from the publisher... I should just buy the thing. Erg but that money can be saved for long term investments... like in my orientation trip to Seattle.
That is in two weeks.
I can't believe it's approaching so fast... I'm a bit intimidated, I'll be honest, but I just have to make the best of it.
I think tomorrow I'm going to do a little browsing on eBay to see prices of things I found in my closet that I can price range at the garage sale. I have so many things, I can't stand it anymore! If you're a TY Beanie Baby collector, just hit me up. I can't believe I was into that hype...

"Flowers and Buds" by grael
I thought I would end this with a bit of sunshine from the poppy fields...
Go on and have a bright, sunshiney day.
Hej hej,

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