This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


"Untitled" by Sara Johanne Larssen

Very dramatic post today. Though I'd start it off with an eye-opening picture. She has a host of other blood-oozing related pictures in her Flickr photostream, and I adore her collection of black and white's (her colour shots are amazing, as well).

So I've been catching up on my shoegazing lately the last few days since good ol' Sel gave me a brief overview of good and basic shoegazing. Turns out I've been a shoegaze fan longer than I thought- I've been listening to Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and Blonde Redhead for a while. Didn't even notice they were in that niche until our conversation. Anyhow, it was a lazy Monday morning and I had no idea what to post, and he shouted a few Slowdive songs. 
Slowdive- I had never heard of them until Monday. Fuck my life, I love them. Listen to their song, "Catch the Breeze"- it's dreamy, breathless... I've been obsessed with it the last three days.

My Bloody Valentine- probably the band with the greatest association to shoegaze. To be honest, I had heard so much about them (especially from my senior year English Lit. teacher- she had crazy amazing music taste), yet I never took the time out of my life to actually listen to any of their songs. Shame on me. If you haven't heard any of there material, consider yourself redeemed and take a listen below.

Here are the gods of it all; they have inspired so many artists, even beyond the shoegaze limits, such as Thom Yorke, Sonic Youth, and The Flaming Lips (and yes I read this on iTunes). CAN emerged in the late 60s/early 70s, forming music tagged as krautrock, a very trippy experimental collection of songs. When I first heard "Mushroom," I was sure it was a modern song. I pretty much crapped when I found out Tago Mago came out in the early 70s.

A much newer band that have taken CAN as a huge influence, and I've written about them before, and I've pretty much been dreaming about them ever since I saw them on that boiling summer day almost one month ago, is Autolux. I feel like I should post "Turnstile Blues" today just because it is so damn good. Again, dreamy. Not hazy- that's just a rough word.

Well,  I think that is about it, folks. Other news- I have finally purchased my first Mac. I'm (slowly) typing this new blog on my laptop. I desperately need a stinkin mouse. This finger touchpad sucks.

Hej hej,

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