This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

32. Life is a Test. It is Only a Test.

"Early AM" by Jesse Jacobs
Isn't that beautiful? There are no words to describe when I first saw that photo- just the colours floating over his face. It almost looks like his spirit is rising from his body.

I've gotten very far in Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and it's all small stuff by (Dr.) Richard Carlson. I've put Season of the Witch on the backburner for the time being, I'm just going to finish this Carlson piece today- it's really a must-read when you're struggling with some little loose ends in your life. He's brought some of the most minute and common characteristics that are possessed in all of us as a human race, and showing how that tiny bit in us just builds so high that we just panic for absolutely no reason. We're basically driving ourselves crazy without realizing it, and so we're pointing fingers to the darling old lady that walked by you on the street for the cause of our insanities. Even the smallest things, like not arguing who's turn it is to take out the trash (seriously, something this small) can benefit. It's okay to not always be "right," even if they aren't- you don't need to glory all of the time. The most surprising so far was, "It's okay to be bored."

I thought he was nuts. Being bored hurts! Then I gave him a chance, took his previous advice to not be so judgemental (see all sides of the situation, listen) and he was right. It worked last night when it was that hour where I couldn't exactly go to sleep and I really shouldn't take a walk by myself. I then started to think, "Maybe I should clean my room," then, "This is exactly what he was talking about. You just always want to do something. So I just calmed for about fifteen minutes on my bed, then picked up the book and started to read again. Amazing.

As for the music of the day, I bear more gifts from the (amazing, fantabulous, best ever... I'm getting carried away) country of Sweden. Some filthy mouthed rappers knowns as Maskinen who's first single, Alla Som Inte Dansar, is by no means appropriate to the ears if you understand it. Now, I'm sure most of you reading this don't know a lick of Swedish, so you're safe:
On Tuesday (I think...?) they dropped their latest song, Segertåget, and I have to admit it's miles better and more addictive than Alla Som Inte Dansar. The bass is so thick and juicy and make you jump up from your seat to just fucking dance. Which is what they would like you to do, naturally. You'll be so busy with the beat you won't notice the (again) filthy lyrics, and the Portuguese thrown in the chorus. The video is beyond bitchin' so give it a watch:

Hej hej,

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