This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Originally uploaded by +maura
It's been well over a week since I have blogged! Pardon my laziness, but I reckon I have a sufficient excuse.

The Olympics started, and I am a huge swim fan... that's the first week. I had to watch Michael Phelps make history this week. To be completely honest, I teared up during a few races- even almost hyperventilated to the point of almost blacking out. I am that hardcore/intense of a fan.

Last Wednesday I had the wisdom teeth removed, soooo I was out for a few days, not really wanting to do anything but sleep and watch prime time Olympics. Now, almost a week from the procedure, the swelling is down, I'm taking my horse pills of ibuprofen and amoxicillin, and await the 20th this week to have my stitched removed. I am so tired of these darned stitches... and I am starting to get a feeling that they are tired of me, too!

I had a couple weeks where I was scared to wanting to go and move to school. My roommate, Sasha, was kind enough to email me the day of my surgery (not knowing about it...), and it relaxed my anxieties a little. Even duvet cover shopping mellowed me out today. I am hoping I can find a way to meet up before we move in, that'd be much less awkward than on moving day going, "Hey- erm, hi!"

SO Excuses, excuses. You're really not caring anymore... so here is my second summer mix of the month that is way overdue! I had it done yesterday, but I was really not feeling it to blog. I was busy responding to Maura (the artist featured in this post) about pancakes, Scottish and Swedes, and books. Be sure to check out Maura's other work on her flickr photostream!

It has a little old, a little new. Not really summery like the "Kelly" from Van She (I love that band), but it contains some songs I've been really 'diving' into, lately. Badumpshh.

I hope I find something more interesting to post later...

Hej hej,

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