This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I don't have any real rolemodels or heroes

I'm watching a movie with Winona Ryder in it from the mid-90s... and things have changed, but really haven't. The styles have changed, and the mentality of "Cs get degrees" have pretty much escaped all young college students minds. But, the tight-knitness of friends in college... the core four- it sticks. And, in this movie, I'm seeing, if I want to go anywhere with my life... I'm going to have to leave it behind. Leave it all behind once my four years are up.

Because all you'll want to do with these people are talk, drink, go places, etc. These are great things- that is exactly why they are your friends. You like to have fun with each other. Again, the Peter Pan realization terrifies me. I have to leave that behind in order go on in life, but I don't want to.

Because they're the best.

Hej hej,

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