This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Monday, March 16, 2009

And so it ends.

The thick layer that appears to endlessly hover over Seattle was generous enough to part it's clouds for a split second this afternoon. For a brief second, on this overcast day, I walked out of the building, took a step forward off the steps, and was bathing in those incredible rays.

"Amen, Amen, Amen!" I shouted. That glorious synchronization of celebration could not have been timed more perfectly. That feeling of satisfaction without ever worrying about the overall result... I don't believe I can ever have it be duplicated ever again. Mind you, it was probably the longest lasting split second of my life so far... oh how to have it contained as a memory! It will never be bittersweet!

I cannot believe that I have taken my last maths exam... it's truly remarkable. March 16, 2009, will never be forgotten as the day that ended my misery with a lifelong subject I have never got along with very well.

It's weird to think how much I learned from this class... the last two years of my high school career completely shattered all hope for having some care in the mathematical field. It started to be somewhat interesting when I was a sophomore, with one of my most influential math teachers, Mr. Agnew. He had a "I don't take shit from anyone. You are going to learn this, hell or high water," attitude, and actually made sure you learned the material. If you were struggling with the material, he had no problem sitting down with you and explaining how things operated.

As for my Junior and Senior year teacher, who shall always be unnamed on the internet, to spare her (I really am too kind sometimes), was the least agreeable math teacher I had ever met. You went to her for help... and sometimes it would work, but most of the time, she said, "Look at your notes! It's in your notes!"

Brief soliloquy:
Now listen, lady. I have already looked over my notes so much, that I have them practically memorized. Now, if I new that my answer to this problem was unlocked through the power of my well taken notes, I wouldn't be here, right now, asking you for help! How in the world do you expect me to get past this mental block without you nudging to me, suggesting to me-- leading me in some valid direction?! It's ridiculous how you can say that the answer to my problem is in my notes! I don't even understand my god damn notes half of the time, because you wrote them. You're damn lucky that the vice principal is the head of the math department, because I have been trying, these final moments of my high school career, to get your crazy-ass fired!

Maybe not so brief. As you have read, I continue to have bitterness toward this lady, and I have great sadness for those who continue to be taught by her...

Well, at the end of my math-learning career, I felt I ended on the highest note of my life. I got a lot of this class, it was actually quite interesting. It may have been because of the discussion ideas in the things we read in English class... but it gave me a whole new perspective on life. It really did- it altered so many of my views. I cannot believe how much I have changed, not even finished with my first year in this college experience. It's quite frightening!

Well, I must be off. Toodles.

Hej hej,

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