This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Candystripe Straw.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

I write this in the basement, staring straight into my cup with a candystripe straw.

It is so weird to think of the things we see as two-dimensional. Like, everything we see is 2-D. Don't look puzzled. The only thing that makes us trick our minds to think that what we see is 3-D is the fact that our sensors for feeling can usually grasp/touch whatever is ahead of us.

And the fact that we are told/brainwashed during our school learning that we live in a 3-D world... and that the particles that make us... us... are 3-D as well. What the hell is this bullshit?

Now I am starting to believe what I see is what I can see. We have 2-D vision and 3-D touching-abilities, that is that. Paintings are what we see all of the time... constantly in motion, nothing is ever still.
I think even a painting can move. There is something in me that is convinced that nothing is the same as it was 23 seconds ago.

Things are always turning into something different- not necessarily older (as the thing of time is arbitrary and tacky... I hate the concept of time, yet time travel fascinates me).

The idea of fantasy's or mind tricks fascinate me. According to Aristotle, the only way that we can see illusions are if the images are drawn out from memory. We cannot have nightmares or see hallucinations without the ability to draw back on something we have seen before.

Now, how does this explain mythical creatures? How can one possibly dream of a mythical creature? I am certain I have had dreams that have terrified me with creatures I have never seen before. Are they actually hybrids from things we have seen before? Is that why when movies creature Extra Terrestrial beings, they still have figures like a human?

I have tried, so many times, to imagine living in an entirely different world with an entirely new set of senses. I could not think of anything other than the five that we have right now, could not think of anything that was remotely feasible because I cannot think of anything outside of what I already know.

So, how is it that a man can think of something no woman or man has ever thought before?

I disagree with this. I am starting to believe we have all thought the same thing in our life before, it is whether we have brought it to the front of our conscience or not... and who has the chance to publish the thought first to be claimed the ultimate thinker of the 'genius' thing they thought of all 'by themselves.' Hmm- phooey.

I really do enjoy Foucault's writings on Bentham's Panopticon, and how that structure is similar to how we all live censored lives, but doesn't everyone notice this as they get older?

"Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains,"-- very famous opening line from Rousseau.

Well, as I said before, doesn't everyone notice this? How we are all censored? I mean, especially during our teenage years, when our parents begin to have a tighter grip on us (or when we start to realize that our guardians are holding us in a headlock)! Those who have had the courage to stand up to their oppressive governments, they know they are being over-censored, because they are oppressed. Why is it such a big deal to credit certain people with certain 'ideas?'

So that we can quote them?

I am starting to feel that even quoting is starting to be the lamest thing ever (despite the fact that I have quoted Aristotle and Rousseau directly in this post so far)- it isn't intellectual to quote someone, it's just an easy way to formulate something you have thought about and the author has been able to say the words eloquently enough for you to reiterate them...

We have all thought the same things... some have articulated the thoughts better than the others...

Now I am a looney.

I am really straying away from my final philosophy paper. I am trying to figure out what I am going to do, but I am basically going to be talking about this in a nutshell. The way that we perceive, how appearances and understanding function in human beings, according to Aristotle.

It is some pretty mediocre stuff, but it is still interesting, nevertheless. I hope this can hopefully spark some ideas for my final piece of crap. I want to push my limits on what I need to write for this paper. It doesn't have to be the best thing that I have written (I vouch that it will not be!) but it certainly has to be interesting enough to read.

Hej hej,


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