This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Philosophy is Dead?

I have been shaken. This opinion editorial that I found in the New York Times today was oh-so-interesting to read. It makes me wonder... why do we really awe over things? Why do we cry over things? How do we just know that something doesn't feel right? The human emotion that, they argue controls our morality, is truly a funny thing.

So, does this mean all of those philosophers wrote bullshit?
Well, it depends on what you want to believe.
But then, think again... when you read book that dramatically shifts your way of life and thinking, there is that emotion that was triggered inside of you. That fluttery feeling- the feeling of crying, anxiety and excitement of it all just overpowers all of your sense. Why? Because you just simply do.

Now, from a writer's perspective, there was something in that combination of words that took over your soul. Words have meaning, and so much power. When did this start to happen?

Ah, and it can go on and on, how this feeling, the genesis of emotion. It controls everything that we want to do. Every action we make.

Surprising how much emotion's can influence us... we recognize them only in the extremes.

Ah, but it lingers over us, always.

Hej hej,



Mick O/Redfishingboat said...

Please see:

Any Syler said...

God, Mick! You ruin everything!

No no no, I appreciate it, Mick. I emailed the NY Times article to my professor for Social Science, as I found it relate-able to the topic of Poverty in America... and the 'reason why' things are the way they are. It's hard to explain. Funny cartoon. I kinda like to think about the who ethics thing... but this cartoon does have a point...

Kunal said...

Hey do you have a link to that opinion post on nytimes? I read it this morning and now I can't find it...


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