I wonder if this blog post will be filled with "When you..." 's? Well, it is evident I am home. What you can't tell yet is that I'm miserable. I was on a post-orientation high on Wednesday through Friday. Then today happened, and my mood is just rotten. I'll get to that...
Olivia Bee is only in her early teens, and (almost) everyday she dazzles me with her extravagant photographs. Holy crap. Yes, she really is 14. I'm starting to become a little irked at how good these youngin's are! This photograph is probably one of my fav's from her photostream (though I have a bjillion more) and I advise you to check out the rest of them. Plus, she's a cool cat (an A in my books, she listens to cool music and has superb fashion sense. Chyeah).
Here's a few tunes for you to filter as you skim (and yawn) through this 'pointless' post:
I'll just belt it:
I'm frustrated as fuck right now. I have two University's that I've pretty much ignored sending the deposit to, assuming they'd get the hint (like the rest of my friends who ignored their schools and they just stopped sending them things, took them off the list immediately after May 1). Nope. It's... hmmm... three months later? And I see in the mail my MPN (Master Provisionary Note... I think that's right) for my student loan is going to be dispatched to a school in Arizona in the middle of August. WHAT?! Yes, bullcrap. I didn't even want to go to school there... and once I was conned into submiting an ap there, the letters wouldn't stop flooding in from them. I am not exaggerating, I recieved at least one letter per week from them. I even got a letter from the Mayor of Flagstaff.
When I visited Northern Arizona University on the weekend before my Easter vacation, it was gruesome travel across the Highway 40. Upon arrival in the quiet truckstop town, I instantly wanted to either keep driving elsewhere or go home. No offense to anyone who goes to school there or grew up in Flagstaff, but I'm an urban girl. Even with the workers in the sorry mall (again, no offense, but I really don't constitue Hollister, Torrid, Sears, and Dillards as means for a solid shopping experience) couldn't convince me to go to school there and not to worry because "Pheonix is only a two hour drive from here!" Nope. The only upside to the place is that there is high elevation, which means ski opportunities aren't far, and apparently Ian Thorpe goes to NAU for high elevation swim training. God, I love Ian Thorpe. Back to hell... I got a stye in my eye that evening, so we had to drive to the nearest Walgreens and hack out $20 in over the counter treatment, and I begged to stop into Barnes and Noble (it's a new addition to the city, according to the residents) for at least an epic-sized copy of Vogue and maybe a few others to look through on the way home.
I looked through that copy at least five times on the way home.
I hate driving through desert, and I honestly find no beauty in it. After a while, being DJ got boring for the driver, and I was finding it more difficult to chose the right tunes from my one hundred plus CDs I stocked in the back seat.
I would like to say that I think I went to Flagstaff very close minded, because I have never enjoyed Arizona. Every experience and trip to Arizona has been hell for me, I hate it, and I guess I was in the mindset of saying "No" without giving it a chance. Hell, it was just too quiet for me, and it wasn't near any mass body of water within two hours. Lakes not counting.
Pardon me, I didn't expect to go on a ramble about my severe distaste for trips to Arizona... and just the being there makes me miserable (and it clearly doesn't like me being there, either- it gave me a stye).
SO... back this MPN business about my Federal Loans: I never signed an MPN for NAU, only for Seattle University. I have not sent in any deposit to this school to claim my spot... and I tried to contact via internet, but I could not find the button where it says "NO THANK YOU" anywhere. I have to call them on Monday. There is a gaping hole in my that wants to just yell at them, "Fuck you, Flagstaffians, quit assuming crap and take me off your list!" but that is just rude, so I'll be a dear and say, "I'm not going to your school. Thank you for the offer, but I'm heading north, not east!" Simple as? It better not be a twenty questions game with them. I swear I'll hang up on them if they go to measures of begging me. For the record: it's a very beautiful campus. It's just the town itself... was too quiet for me. If you're into places that are in mountain towns, where it looks like you're at summer camp (well, that is more like UC Santa Cruz), then go ahead. I'm an urban girl- I need my action, I need to have close access to entertainment (apparently in Flagstaff there is one theater... and once in a blue moon bands will stop by for a gig).
I sound like a spoiled brat... but for those who have gone to college, you understand that atmosphere is everything. You have to enjoy your environment in order to truly pull through. Thus, my heart is moving to Seattle. Comprende?
"The artist." by Olivia Bee
I wish you all to cheerful moods! Next post will be smiley-er. And new music.
Hej hej,
Ah wow! That's really cool. And a shame you missed them. I'm hopefully going to see them in Brighton soon, with Dananananaykroyd supporting! Don't they play like housepartys and stuff near where they live? You should get them to play at your house!
I've been meaning to listen to NPSH for ages, I shall go to so now! Thanks for the recommendation You should listen to Elle Milano if you havn't done so already.
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