Couple things today. A new pre-listening edit from Of Montreal is out on the net! Less than half a day ago it was uploaded to Fairtilizer (thank life for that site, bless) and it is just- just- oh gooorsh, listen.
Just what I would expect from them, pure Of Montreal fashion. They make you dance before you even know what the hell they are talking about. I'm hinting to you to stop reading this and start listening to the lyrics. *pause* Mhmm. Now I'm excited for what's in store for us in October.
Here's a bit of experimental instrumental rock from jolly ol' Scotland, provided by the band Errors. I just found them today, I'm a bit sad for how much I've missed out from their tunes for the last few years. If you're in the UK this summer and going to festivals, please do me a lovely favour and check them out and report to me how it was! For now, listen to their song, "National Prism" from their newest album, Not Something But It Is Like Whatever.
I'd love to talk about my last few days. I know you don't care, and won't read this, but I'm going to sort it out anyway.
I'm experiencing much... hmmm, what is the word? Satisfaction. Yes- satisfaction. I have been having a positive outlook on a lot of things, and taking walks is a wonderful way to do it. I walked to the library yesterday, and I didn't take any pictures. There wasn't really anything that caught my eye... When I got to the library, I had my forms for my card filled out (last Friday when I went they said that I had to have a parent sign the form because I am a minor. Lame). She asked if my parent was with me to verify the address, and I was going to gripe, 'Are you shitting me?' but it is a public library, I kept my composure. I offered her my ID (oh how amazing instincts are! I was going to not bring my wallet with me!) and she then went into the computer to add me to the system, then said, "Uhm... you already have a card with us.
Eff. I did. Ten years ago! I forgot I had one at that particular library. They replaced the card without a fee because it was my first time losing it, and they checked out the books they had on hold for me since Friday.
What I snagged- a few mystery romance novels. *cheese*
1. Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert
2. Hooked by Matt Richtel (this cover makes me dizzy)
3. When She Was Bad by Jonathan Nasaw
Reasons for grabbing them? I seriously went in looking for The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, but they didn't have anything shelved by him (yes, it's a very dinky hole in the wall library) and the copy of that is missing at the Pasadena Centreal Library. I have to resort buying it eventually...
1. Because it's got magic! and romance. Rawr- spicy combo. 2. Because the cover is cool, and the tagline on the bottom says, "A thriller about love and other addictions." Yep, I'm Hooked. (poor me... I try). 3. Only because the title sounds like a Seventies porno.
While I was digging in a hall closet to count how many undeveloped rolls and disposable cameras of film I need to take to CVS this week (11 if you're wondering, all expired sometime around 03), I found a couple unfinished cameras and went outside to take some (naturally) and I'm excited to see the outcome.
And I found a book!
I wanted to read it when I was younger but I thought it was too "grown up" for me. You may have heard of it: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson, Ph.D. I added the Ph.D part because when I receive my PhD and publish books, I sure as hell would like to flaunt those 3 pretty-combo-of-letters at the end of my name. Anyhow, I was flipping through it and I reember someone gave this to my mother. She never read it, but I think I am at a point in my life where I can understand what this man>>doctor has to say. I flip about little things- like when I can't find a pair of shoes, or when I say the wrong things. I just want to chill out and take life as it comes- I can do that. This book might be able to word what I have been struggling to tell myself to do. I'm not to keen on wording things properly, which is pretty silly with me wanting to be a creative writing/ journalism major.
Tea? Check out the rest of this kids flickr! His "Innovation" set is very interesting. I can't believe it- another fourteen year old creative genius featured on the blog. Now: make some tea, pour for two, drink it down, then have some brew. I wish you a bright and sunny day tomorrow!
Hej hej,
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