Howdy. Today was a beautiful day. The temperature must have been 80. Not a cloud in the sky (unfortunately), but a slight breeze was wonderful on my walk to the Salvation Army. I needed a destination to walk somewhere, so I decided to go there. After all these years, I realized it really isn't that far. I left with $5.75 out of my pocket, and 5 books into my tote. I grabbed three Shakespeare plays that I'm sure I might read for an English course in the upcoming years- Twelfth Night, Macbeth, and A Midsummer Night's Dream. I also grabbed The Witches of Eastwick by John Updike (I hope this is good) and Sweethearts by Sara Zarr. The cover (inside descripton) was nice, it looks cute on a shelf, and is in really nice clean condition- very new. Thought I'd buy it. Plus, it's only about 200 pages, I'd be able to fly through it pretty quickly.
What is up when you turn your head to look over at a car, there is someone in that car looking straight at you? It's inevitable. This always happens to me, and today was no exception. Just cruising the sidewalk today, and this guy in a truck slows, and gives me a thumbs up. I quicken my pace... and just think, 'What in the world?'
Then on the way home, a man at a mechanic shop stops me as I pass by, greets me and asks if I'd like to buy a car. Erm-- I'm obviously fine walking... yes? CARS KILL THE O-ZONE.
Though I'd love a brand new Mini Cooper or two-door Yaris... but- public trans and legs, for the win.
Since I got a bundle of goodies today (not to mention the other day when I was ranting about my NAU problem, I resolved that over the phone today, and I don't recall mentioning I saw the Terracotta Warriors at the Bower's- if you live in So. Cal, you HAVE to go see it. So amazing, and to believe they haven't excavated all of the Emperor's tomb- not even his burial site!) I think I'm going to deliver a basket full of treasures. Mixtapes!
I'm going to start with this Overthrill mixtape that has over 200,000 downloads off their own zshare link (that I will provide to keep the click's a'growing), so that really should tell you something. It has loads of bitchin' tunes, including a lot of 'mainstream' songs, such as '4 Minutes' and 'Pass That Dutch'. It's a really handy mix to have when you're throwing a party and you need an hours worth of music at the end of the night. From Busy P to Pussycat Dolls, it's pretty rad. GET IT:
Here is a mini Sebastian Tellier Mix, and I loveh im to bits, but I'll be honest and say that it's... alright. It was made for some American Apparel thing (after all, he DJed at the AA factory sale Sunday in LA!).
Then, I thought I'd spread the love some more and keep sharing my very own mixtape I made in the wee hours during Easter Vacation this year. It's actually my first effort, so please understand that there are a lot of generic tunes thrown into this.
Any Syler- "Atlantis Practice"
1. Drugs in My Body - Thieves Like Us
2. Trick or Treatz (Klaxons Remix) - Metronomy
3. Breathe (Ultra Tiger Remix) - Telepopmusik
4. Zdarlight - Digitalism
5. Untrust Us - Crystal Castles
6. Get Down (Radio Edit) - Groove Armada feat. Stush
7. Ready to Uff (TV Track) - Uffie
8. Haent - Slagsmalsklubben
9. Rich Girls - The Virgins
10. Space and the Woods (Neon Plastix Remix) - Late of the Pier
11. By The Time That They Reach You (The Bag Raiders Remix) - Kim
12. Black Gloves - Goose
12. Cubicle - Rinocerose
14. Elvis - These New Puritans
15. Wake Up - Lo-Fi-Fnk
16. Vanished - Crystal Castles
I know I sold out with putting Crystal Castles in there twice- but I consider "Untrust Us" a little bridge...
Enjoy le mixes! I actually made a second one, but I really don't think it was as good (not to say this was good in the first place!), therefore it's never been unleashed on the internet. Maybe one day...
Hej hej,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
When You Have a Bicentennial Bill
I wonder if this blog post will be filled with "When you..." 's? Well, it is evident I am home. What you can't tell yet is that I'm miserable. I was on a post-orientation high on Wednesday through Friday. Then today happened, and my mood is just rotten. I'll get to that...
Olivia Bee is only in her early teens, and (almost) everyday she dazzles me with her extravagant photographs. Holy crap. Yes, she really is 14. I'm starting to become a little irked at how good these youngin's are! This photograph is probably one of my fav's from her photostream (though I have a bjillion more) and I advise you to check out the rest of them. Plus, she's a cool cat (an A in my books, she listens to cool music and has superb fashion sense. Chyeah).
Here's a few tunes for you to filter as you skim (and yawn) through this 'pointless' post:
I'll just belt it:
I'm frustrated as fuck right now. I have two University's that I've pretty much ignored sending the deposit to, assuming they'd get the hint (like the rest of my friends who ignored their schools and they just stopped sending them things, took them off the list immediately after May 1). Nope. It's... hmmm... three months later? And I see in the mail my MPN (Master Provisionary Note... I think that's right) for my student loan is going to be dispatched to a school in Arizona in the middle of August. WHAT?! Yes, bullcrap. I didn't even want to go to school there... and once I was conned into submiting an ap there, the letters wouldn't stop flooding in from them. I am not exaggerating, I recieved at least one letter per week from them. I even got a letter from the Mayor of Flagstaff.
When I visited Northern Arizona University on the weekend before my Easter vacation, it was gruesome travel across the Highway 40. Upon arrival in the quiet truckstop town, I instantly wanted to either keep driving elsewhere or go home. No offense to anyone who goes to school there or grew up in Flagstaff, but I'm an urban girl. Even with the workers in the sorry mall (again, no offense, but I really don't constitue Hollister, Torrid, Sears, and Dillards as means for a solid shopping experience) couldn't convince me to go to school there and not to worry because "Pheonix is only a two hour drive from here!" Nope. The only upside to the place is that there is high elevation, which means ski opportunities aren't far, and apparently Ian Thorpe goes to NAU for high elevation swim training. God, I love Ian Thorpe. Back to hell... I got a stye in my eye that evening, so we had to drive to the nearest Walgreens and hack out $20 in over the counter treatment, and I begged to stop into Barnes and Noble (it's a new addition to the city, according to the residents) for at least an epic-sized copy of Vogue and maybe a few others to look through on the way home.
I looked through that copy at least five times on the way home.
I hate driving through desert, and I honestly find no beauty in it. After a while, being DJ got boring for the driver, and I was finding it more difficult to chose the right tunes from my one hundred plus CDs I stocked in the back seat.
I would like to say that I think I went to Flagstaff very close minded, because I have never enjoyed Arizona. Every experience and trip to Arizona has been hell for me, I hate it, and I guess I was in the mindset of saying "No" without giving it a chance. Hell, it was just too quiet for me, and it wasn't near any mass body of water within two hours. Lakes not counting.
Pardon me, I didn't expect to go on a ramble about my severe distaste for trips to Arizona... and just the being there makes me miserable (and it clearly doesn't like me being there, either- it gave me a stye).
SO... back this MPN business about my Federal Loans: I never signed an MPN for NAU, only for Seattle University. I have not sent in any deposit to this school to claim my spot... and I tried to contact via internet, but I could not find the button where it says "NO THANK YOU" anywhere. I have to call them on Monday. There is a gaping hole in my that wants to just yell at them, "Fuck you, Flagstaffians, quit assuming crap and take me off your list!" but that is just rude, so I'll be a dear and say, "I'm not going to your school. Thank you for the offer, but I'm heading north, not east!" Simple as? It better not be a twenty questions game with them. I swear I'll hang up on them if they go to measures of begging me. For the record: it's a very beautiful campus. It's just the town itself... was too quiet for me. If you're into places that are in mountain towns, where it looks like you're at summer camp (well, that is more like UC Santa Cruz), then go ahead. I'm an urban girl- I need my action, I need to have close access to entertainment (apparently in Flagstaff there is one theater... and once in a blue moon bands will stop by for a gig).
I sound like a spoiled brat... but for those who have gone to college, you understand that atmosphere is everything. You have to enjoy your environment in order to truly pull through. Thus, my heart is moving to Seattle. Comprende?
"The artist." by Olivia Bee
I wish you all to cheerful moods! Next post will be smiley-er. And new music.
Hej hej,
Blonde Redhead,
Bon Iver,
Olivia Bee,
relient k,
Wild Sweet Orange
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I'm going to be gone for a few days for orientation in Seattle. No updates for a bit! Well, I wish you a wonderful three days. I'll be back with new things to post.
For now, I'm going to leave you with a few wonderful songs, starting with one from Emiliana Torrini, whose new single, "Me and Armeni," will be out in the middle of next month. This song is golden. It leaves a very good taste in my mouth.
Now I'm counting down the days until I hear this on an episode of Grey's Anatomy.
Here's a little City and Colour with Gordon Downie. I don't know what it is, but it just gives you that emotional/powerful feeling when you hear the chorus. I love it:
Finally, some of The Morning Benders, a fun California (represent!) indie pop band. They remind me of some good old 60s rock with a piano thrown in- erm, very Beatles-esque when I first heard this. Here is their new single, "Waiting For A War."
I'm so tired, I can't believe I have to get up in four hours. Urgh. Have a joyous Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I'm off to snag import mags at the airport. Haha.
Hej hej,
For now, I'm going to leave you with a few wonderful songs, starting with one from Emiliana Torrini, whose new single, "Me and Armeni," will be out in the middle of next month. This song is golden. It leaves a very good taste in my mouth.
Now I'm counting down the days until I hear this on an episode of Grey's Anatomy.
Here's a little City and Colour with Gordon Downie. I don't know what it is, but it just gives you that emotional/powerful feeling when you hear the chorus. I love it:
Finally, some of The Morning Benders, a fun California (represent!) indie pop band. They remind me of some good old 60s rock with a piano thrown in- erm, very Beatles-esque when I first heard this. Here is their new single, "Waiting For A War."
I'm so tired, I can't believe I have to get up in four hours. Urgh. Have a joyous Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I'm off to snag import mags at the airport. Haha.
Hej hej,
Friday, July 18, 2008
Why is packing difficult?
There are so many questions. This was definitely one that has never crossed my mind. You hear it all of the time, "Oh, this hand bag is the best thing since sliced bread," and all that jazz, but who the heck made that up? Where did slice bread have the right to come in? I understand cutting bread on your own is a difficult task when you don't have a serrated bread knife, and even more so when it' a soft loaf. But how was sliced bread regarded so high?
Another few questions on quirky sayings that I've heard before and (sometimes) use. Starting with... "That just chaps my hide." I know, it sounds like something your great aunt would say (actually mine says "My aching fanny" but I avoid using that. Since Fanny has gained multiple meanings after Miss Price), but I have wondered why it is so amusing for me to say. I occasionally slip it into conversation... get a few stares, then laughs. It's just an amusing saying, and I have no idea why.
Wow. Went on a bit... Colie Parks is the Pola queen. She has hundreds archived on her flickrstream, and if you are in love with one of them enough, she might just have it available for purchase. Check her profile for pricings and such.
So, today's featured music artist is Ladyhawke. I wouldn't regard her as the best thing since sliced bread, but I have to say she is mighty good. Hailing form the (now affiliated with) land of Middle Earth, sheep, and Kiwi's, simply known as New Zealand, she's currently signed to Australian electro-label, Modular, and has been raising heat recently with her songs and labelmates, Van She and Cut Copy, who've produced excellent remixes of a couple of her songs. Give a listen to her latest single that came out at the very end of June (yes, June 30 to be precise), "Paris is Burning," along with that Cut Copy remix I mentioned, and an Alex Gopher remix..
And then give a listen to her collab with PNAU. I love the haunting vocals against the thick, juicy, electro beats. I read it back in January, and I'm going to agree that 2008 is going to be the Southern Hemi's year to shine in music. Aussie and Kiwi musicians are popping up left and right this year outside of their own land more and more each day, especially with the success of Cut Copy's latest album- oh, and the fact that Grandmaster Flash remixed a Midnight Juggernauts song. Holy crap. I'm sorry, I can't be arsed uploading it. Maybe later. Let your ears tingle to Ladyhawke.
Hej hej,
Alex Gopher,
Colie Parks,
Cut Copy,
New Zealand,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Raise Your Hand if it's Humid
I love this pickin' photo so much. Just that curve and the makeup mask. Oh, erm, sorta NSFW? Fuck that, it's art. Get over it.
Yes it's very basic and reminds me a bit of that Arena Homme issue with Cole Mohr and Luke Worrall (that was an epic editorial!), yet with a female. Of course.
Bleeding hot today. Well, no, it was more sticky and humid. I hate it, this weather. I'm counting the minutes until we leave for Seattle. I'm going to be so drained from that trip. And I've decided to leave my new notebook at home, even if there is WiFi in the hotel and the dorms- it'd just take away from the trip. I'm just scared my iPod is going to die... I guess I'll find something out- it didn't die in January when I went to Seattle.
SO, even though I have complained about the heat, I'm going to be really cliche and say I've found some songs that will make you MELT. That's right, believe it. They're hot. *eye roll*
First here is another that is riding on the Amy Winehouse/ Adele Motown-esque wave, but from New York rather from jolly ol' England. Another difference is that it's a duo of a DJ and vox, and they're known as Little Jackie. She's got smoky pipes (haha) and very powerful in her own style. She actually reminds me of Natasha Beddingfield, but it may be the strings and vocal arrangements in their first single I heard from them on Absolute Zero (I love you, Billy Zero!): "The World Revolves Around Me"
"Katey Smokes B&W" by Joseph Story
Sexy Sushi are a whole other level of sexy. Like, seductive sexy, not confident sexy. You understand me? Not only do they have it down with the start of their name, but the vox are in French, pretty much one of the sultriest languages ever when sung. I, personally, don't find it very attractive when spoken (it's still a lovely language- I'm just more partial to another language)... but sung is a whole different level. Mylene Farmer, Keren Ann, and Camille are just a few female artists that sing in French- and I'll truncate my drivel about how fantastic songs are in French right here and just pass you on to Sexy Sushi's "Sex Appeal".
Then the last song is a tune about love, also a remix, and from one of my favourite bands recently. Mystery Jets have been stirring up a lot of popularity the last few months, traveling loads. I'm still upset I wasn't able to make it to see Klaxons in September, they opened for them! Well, this is a brilliant remix from Pilooski- it's very bubbley, bouncy, and cute for you to bip around in your car to on a hot day. Yessir, yessir.
Have a fantastic day tomorrow! I pray it isn't humid, again.
Hej hej,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
"Untitled" by Sara Johanne Larssen
Very dramatic post today. Though I'd start it off with an eye-opening picture. She has a host of other blood-oozing related pictures in her Flickr photostream, and I adore her collection of black and white's (her colour shots are amazing, as well).
So I've been catching up on my shoegazing lately the last few days since good ol' Sel gave me a brief overview of good and basic shoegazing. Turns out I've been a shoegaze fan longer than I thought- I've been listening to Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and Blonde Redhead for a while. Didn't even notice they were in that niche until our conversation. Anyhow, it was a lazy Monday morning and I had no idea what to post, and he shouted a few Slowdive songs.
Slowdive- I had never heard of them until Monday. Fuck my life, I love them. Listen to their song, "Catch the Breeze"- it's dreamy, breathless... I've been obsessed with it the last three days.
My Bloody Valentine- probably the band with the greatest association to shoegaze. To be honest, I had heard so much about them (especially from my senior year English Lit. teacher- she had crazy amazing music taste), yet I never took the time out of my life to actually listen to any of their songs. Shame on me. If you haven't heard any of there material, consider yourself redeemed and take a listen below.
Here are the gods of it all; they have inspired so many artists, even beyond the shoegaze limits, such as Thom Yorke, Sonic Youth, and The Flaming Lips (and yes I read this on iTunes). CAN emerged in the late 60s/early 70s, forming music tagged as krautrock, a very trippy experimental collection of songs. When I first heard "Mushroom," I was sure it was a modern song. I pretty much crapped when I found out Tago Mago came out in the early 70s.
A much newer band that have taken CAN as a huge influence, and I've written about them before, and I've pretty much been dreaming about them ever since I saw them on that boiling summer day almost one month ago, is Autolux. I feel like I should post "Turnstile Blues" today just because it is so damn good. Again, dreamy. Not hazy- that's just a rough word.
Well, I think that is about it, folks. Other news- I have finally purchased my first Mac. I'm (slowly) typing this new blog on my laptop. I desperately need a stinkin mouse. This finger touchpad sucks.
Hej hej,
My Bloody Valentine,
Sara Johanne Larssen,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to make this blog, and since I'm not in the mood to start reading yet, I decided to do this epic, post filled with energized guitar-driver songs. I know I've gone either folky, dancey, or just plain meditational on you. So, I will make it up but throwing in some variety. And I promise you downloads at the end of this (wahey!). Please, stick with me here- it is going to take intense concentration to listen to all of these tracks. Ready?
Oh, and, both photos posted are mine- if you're feeling generous, please feel free to click on 'em to see more about 'em.
I'll start out with a little Cajun Dance Party. Last summer I denied my approval for them. I feel like a tit- they're so fun. I heard their single, "Colourful Life" and I have to admit it's awesometastic. Judge it for yourself -I'm really limiting my words per song today- there are so many!
Here's another firey tune from Florence & The Machine that I had heard about but never really went about listening to 'em. Many say it's for fans of Kate Nash, but I say that you just better bob your darn head. It's catchy, and the playful tones will pretty much have you forget she's singing about beating the crap out of him.
To close up this extravaganza, I bring you a double feature from Gothenberg (Sweden...) and just the music flooding out of there right now is immense. I want to move there just because of it! The band I'd love to present is Bye Bye Bicycle. I'm digging their tunes "Eastside" and "Westside"- I really can't lick my finger down on them right now. I upped them specially for you, on imeem to listen, and divshare to download if it tickles your ears.
Sorry it was a little bland type of post, but- I hope you liked the music!
Hej hej,
Space Disco
"Paint Splatter" by starlitandmoonstruck
I love the lighting and colours of this. What a mess this must have been, but I bet it was fun to do. If I were in the models position, I'd most likely be scared of the fact there was paint over my eyes- massive globs of it, to the point that if I opened them... I'd not see. Still, it's brilliant.
Today I bring you a (close to) thirty minute song from Lindstrøm of Norway. His 'first proper album' debuts on the start of the Beijing Olympics (counting down, baby)- 8.8.08. It's a really laidback and fuzzy, wild ride. He's credited to making 'space disco' and I think that is a pretty accurate description. It's like Sally Shapiro, minus the vocals, plus the spacey swirls. So kick off your shoes, and just take a half hour to relax. Take some time out for yourself. You'll feel better. And what better to listen to relax with then Where You Go I Go Too?
Hej hej,
Sally Shapiro,
space disco,
Sunday, July 6, 2008
32. Life is a Test. It is Only a Test.
"Early AM" by Jesse Jacobs
Isn't that beautiful? There are no words to describe when I first saw that photo- just the colours floating over his face. It almost looks like his spirit is rising from his body.
I've gotten very far in Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and it's all small stuff by (Dr.) Richard Carlson. I've put Season of the Witch on the backburner for the time being, I'm just going to finish this Carlson piece today- it's really a must-read when you're struggling with some little loose ends in your life. He's brought some of the most minute and common characteristics that are possessed in all of us as a human race, and showing how that tiny bit in us just builds so high that we just panic for absolutely no reason. We're basically driving ourselves crazy without realizing it, and so we're pointing fingers to the darling old lady that walked by you on the street for the cause of our insanities. Even the smallest things, like not arguing who's turn it is to take out the trash (seriously, something this small) can benefit. It's okay to not always be "right," even if they aren't- you don't need to glory all of the time. The most surprising so far was, "It's okay to be bored."
I thought he was nuts. Being bored hurts! Then I gave him a chance, took his previous advice to not be so judgemental (see all sides of the situation, listen) and he was right. It worked last night when it was that hour where I couldn't exactly go to sleep and I really shouldn't take a walk by myself. I then started to think, "Maybe I should clean my room," then, "This is exactly what he was talking about. You just always want to do something. So I just calmed for about fifteen minutes on my bed, then picked up the book and started to read again. Amazing.
As for the music of the day, I bear more gifts from the (amazing, fantabulous, best ever... I'm getting carried away) country of Sweden. Some filthy mouthed rappers knowns as Maskinen who's first single, Alla Som Inte Dansar, is by no means appropriate to the ears if you understand it. Now, I'm sure most of you reading this don't know a lick of Swedish, so you're safe:
On Tuesday (I think...?) they dropped their latest song, Segertåget, and I have to admit it's miles better and more addictive than Alla Som Inte Dansar. The bass is so thick and juicy and make you jump up from your seat to just fucking dance. Which is what they would like you to do, naturally. You'll be so busy with the beat you won't notice the (again) filthy lyrics, and the Portuguese thrown in the chorus. The video is beyond bitchin' so give it a watch:
Hej hej,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Put Some Sunshine in Your Life.
"a big nothing - 2" by Anne-Hélène Lebrun (a.k.a. Frall)
Howdy, ya'll. I hope everyone is having a beautiful day, evening, or whatever time it is when you are reading this. I have been a major slacker by not updating my blog as often as I should, it's just I try to make a point at including a song in my post... and I haven't really found anything worth posting lately! Anyhow, I've been rescued and have found something.
I present to you Micah P. Hinson. Hailing from the good ole' U.S.A. his cutesy banjo (which really made the instant descision for me to post this. I'm a sucker for banjo's) and Johnny Cash-inspired vocals, it was an instant winner to my ears. It's a short song, falling under 2 minutes, but it's pretty much the adorable love song of the moment:
Next I bring not one, but two songs from one artist that I had never heard of before posting: Adam & the Amethysts. Their latest record, Amethyst Amulet, was released on the little Montreal label Pome Records on June 10 of this year. Their two songs I have heard, "The Return" and "Stupid Ocean," have given me a good reason to discover their other songs- they infuse folk and pop with whispy vocals, like a feathery counterpart to The Submarines. Give them a go:
I finished my book, Looking For Alaska by John Greene, and I have to tell you I cried. I maybe shouldn't have cried, but I did. It was a good way to tie up loose ends at the finish- it was the book that I wanted to finish to go to new books, but didn't really want it to end. Damn you, John Green! I'm going to search for his other book, An Abundance of Katherine's on my next trip to the library. If not, I'm going to just have to buy it. I definitely would buy it- I have to support him somehow! Alaska was sent to me from the publisher... I should just buy the thing. Erg but that money can be saved for long term investments... like in my orientation trip to Seattle.
That is in two weeks.
I can't believe it's approaching so fast... I'm a bit intimidated, I'll be honest, but I just have to make the best of it.
I think tomorrow I'm going to do a little browsing on eBay to see prices of things I found in my closet that I can price range at the garage sale. I have so many things, I can't stand it anymore! If you're a TY Beanie Baby collector, just hit me up. I can't believe I was into that hype...
I thought I would end this with a bit of sunshine from the poppy fields...
Go on and have a bright, sunshiney day.
Hej hej,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Car Her
"trust me" by & down (a.k.a. Philipp)
I know- two blogs in one day! Go me. I was about to get into the shower when I suddenly remembered the new Van She song, "Strangers". I simply just couldn't wait and had to post it.
This is the radio edit provided from Modular (Records) and I simply ador Van She as not only their Tech remix Team, but as a group. Their own music has evolved loads since the release of their first album ("Kelly" is ringing in my ears as we... erm... read), and I truly admire their work. The new material is much less 80s New Wave influence, and it appears they are taking Cut Copy, their fellow Aussie labelmate's, route. They have only a fraction of the success Cut Copy has tasted. I, personally, love both groups. It isn't nice of me to compare the two, but there is just some element in the two of them that link them yet differ them.
And I feel generous- it was a pain in the butt to upload this, but here is my first download I'm offering to you, so please be generous and thank me if you do (or do not) like it.
Click for download: "Strangers" (Yuksek Remix) by Van She
Hej hej,
Museums and Prisons
Couple things today. A new pre-listening edit from Of Montreal is out on the net! Less than half a day ago it was uploaded to Fairtilizer (thank life for that site, bless) and it is just- just- oh gooorsh, listen.
Just what I would expect from them, pure Of Montreal fashion. They make you dance before you even know what the hell they are talking about. I'm hinting to you to stop reading this and start listening to the lyrics. *pause* Mhmm. Now I'm excited for what's in store for us in October.
Here's a bit of experimental instrumental rock from jolly ol' Scotland, provided by the band Errors. I just found them today, I'm a bit sad for how much I've missed out from their tunes for the last few years. If you're in the UK this summer and going to festivals, please do me a lovely favour and check them out and report to me how it was! For now, listen to their song, "National Prism" from their newest album, Not Something But It Is Like Whatever.
I'd love to talk about my last few days. I know you don't care, and won't read this, but I'm going to sort it out anyway.
I'm experiencing much... hmmm, what is the word? Satisfaction. Yes- satisfaction. I have been having a positive outlook on a lot of things, and taking walks is a wonderful way to do it. I walked to the library yesterday, and I didn't take any pictures. There wasn't really anything that caught my eye... When I got to the library, I had my forms for my card filled out (last Friday when I went they said that I had to have a parent sign the form because I am a minor. Lame). She asked if my parent was with me to verify the address, and I was going to gripe, 'Are you shitting me?' but it is a public library, I kept my composure. I offered her my ID (oh how amazing instincts are! I was going to not bring my wallet with me!) and she then went into the computer to add me to the system, then said, "Uhm... you already have a card with us.
Eff. I did. Ten years ago! I forgot I had one at that particular library. They replaced the card without a fee because it was my first time losing it, and they checked out the books they had on hold for me since Friday.
What I snagged- a few mystery romance novels. *cheese*
1. Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert
2. Hooked by Matt Richtel (this cover makes me dizzy)
3. When She Was Bad by Jonathan Nasaw
Reasons for grabbing them? I seriously went in looking for The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, but they didn't have anything shelved by him (yes, it's a very dinky hole in the wall library) and the copy of that is missing at the Pasadena Centreal Library. I have to resort buying it eventually...
1. Because it's got magic! and romance. Rawr- spicy combo. 2. Because the cover is cool, and the tagline on the bottom says, "A thriller about love and other addictions." Yep, I'm Hooked. (poor me... I try). 3. Only because the title sounds like a Seventies porno.
While I was digging in a hall closet to count how many undeveloped rolls and disposable cameras of film I need to take to CVS this week (11 if you're wondering, all expired sometime around 03), I found a couple unfinished cameras and went outside to take some (naturally) and I'm excited to see the outcome.
And I found a book!
I wanted to read it when I was younger but I thought it was too "grown up" for me. You may have heard of it: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson, Ph.D. I added the Ph.D part because when I receive my PhD and publish books, I sure as hell would like to flaunt those 3 pretty-combo-of-letters at the end of my name. Anyhow, I was flipping through it and I reember someone gave this to my mother. She never read it, but I think I am at a point in my life where I can understand what this man>>doctor has to say. I flip about little things- like when I can't find a pair of shoes, or when I say the wrong things. I just want to chill out and take life as it comes- I can do that. This book might be able to word what I have been struggling to tell myself to do. I'm not to keen on wording things properly, which is pretty silly with me wanting to be a creative writing/ journalism major.
Tea? Check out the rest of this kids flickr! His "Innovation" set is very interesting. I can't believe it- another fourteen year old creative genius featured on the blog. Now: make some tea, pour for two, drink it down, then have some brew. I wish you a bright and sunny day tomorrow!
Hej hej,
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