Thursday, December 25, 2008
Yule shoot yer eye out, kid.
To you, you, and you. To me? To who?
To you!
'Tis been another month stretched passed since I've paid a visit... I'm back home, lounging around, finding new music I thought I would never have found before. It feels goo to be hearing new stuff.
The opening months of starting school have not been what I've expected. Haven't bought one music mag in AGES- though I've obtained a few Alt. Press' from others or elsewhere...
Well, it's Christmas! And iTunes is giving out a song from Stephen Colbert's 2008 Christmas special (which featured many brilliant artists, such as Elvis Costello, Feist, and John Legend) titled, "Another Christmas Song."
Click here to snag it for free- this week only!
Since it IS the end of the year, everyone has their end-of-the-year-music-lists out, and I made a Top 20 Songs of 2008 list about a month ago... I reckon I'll post it later.
Hej hej,
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Minor Scales
I don't love it here, but I don't hate it here, either. I don't particularly miss Seattle, but I am not particularly dying to go back to the place. I'm in limbo. Fuck, I love Washington, but I'm finally admitting it's a nice break to be back home in SoCal. It's a tad warmer here... lots of rain happening. Serious rain, harassing the gutters, consuming the cars on the streets. It's mayhem- the ground can't drink up the water fast enough, and both Los Angeles and Orange County shut down-- the people can't cope with rain in this land of dry, sunny, air polluted skies. I reckon I brought this wrath down with me...
Minor scales.
Minor scales own my heart. I love them... Natural minor scales.
I'm only sounding fancy with my newly-learned theory knowledge... and it's also a form of studying over break. Harmonic minor scales are pretty... I'm just adoring Minor scales. Especially after seeing PlayRadioPlay! last Friday at El Corazon in Seattle. I've been listening to "I'm a Pirate, You're a Princess" and "Some Crap About the Furniture" incessantly since I came home from the show... baaaah. Golden.
You are golden.
Your days won't always be.
I am getting really tired... I need to get on a schedule... and back to listening to music! I have the new The Killers album to listen to... hope the rest of it is as good as "Human."
I am off to sleep.
Vita est bona.
God natt.
Hej hej,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What a rough and mysterious morning.
It is 9:25 on a Saturday morning. I have been up for at least two hours. This hardly ever happens in the college world... usually I sleep in on the weekends, or I would dream to sleep in later on the weekends. I don't get the chance to anymore. I am constantly thinking of what is going to happen, what I am going to do, if I can get it done... what a crazy month it has been. I feel horrible that I have neglected posting on this. It was a great, liberating feeling, clicking that orange button, "Publish Post" virtually everyday. If I was lucky, maybe even got up to posting well over twice in one day.
The sound of coffee sounds so rich right now. To my surprise, I have had coffee maybe only 5 times since I have moved here in Seattle. Record, right? The city known for it's range of little independent coffee shops. I am thinking about having some coffee today. My head hurts slightly to the right.
I have many reasons to be excited for this weekend, yet I am not fully feeling it yet. As a member of my school's Crew team, I am traveling to Portland for the Fall Classic regatta for tomorrow. Naturally, I am scared out of my mind that something could go wrong, but I don't think anything will. Knock on wood. There are just so many other things to do before I leave tonight, and I don't know how it is going to get done... maybe if I wasn't sitting here, at this table down in the lobby of my Resident Hall, I could be a little more productive.
It's been hard to find some new music lately. Really tough, as I have been more busy trying to find a balance between school, schoolwork, job searching, crew practice, eating, sleeping, and having "me" time. So far, it's a little rough, but it'll even itself out eventually.
I need a job desperately...
... I have about 3 hours of Latin to parse.
Maybe I'll throw in a load of sheets to do with laundry! I feel like I do laundry all of the time, now. Ugh.
From this step on, I will do my best to not be a stranger anymore.
Hej hej,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Well, good pickin' news.
I am moved in, and I have a few more things to buy from Fred Meyer tomorrow (I've heard it's the Wal-Mart/Target of the Pacific Northwest?) then hopefully I'll be good to go. I have plenty of new music loaded and have been listening to this September, and I'll fill you in eventually... Once I get a shower. Bleh! I haven't even been able to take/ upload pics recently. *le sigh*
Hej hej,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Well, I geeked out when I also found out it was two hours and Shanae (Darcy on Degrassi) was one of the lead characters.
(Please forgive me for the future writing of this entry, I am reaching total girl status with my words)
It started off pretty cliche- but, what isn't nowadays? Girl from Kansas moves to wealthy school... adopted brother of another race for an excuse of not having too many white kids-- the popular jock, Ethan (Dustin Milligan), is cheating on his GF (viewers get to witness an inferred blowjob within the first five minutes of the show), who can't write her paper because she is busy with her super sweet 16 (even though they all look like they are in their 3rd year of college)- which the party includes Cory Kennedy and The Cobra Snake (believe it, kids, they were on there) with guest music by Tilly and the Wall. What a mouthful.
I think what was more entertaining was finding all the links of this new show to the old show. I was watching it with my mother, and she got excited with lots of past references to the original show.
I still liked it.
As cliche as it was, I am still going to watch it. I know there is something fishy about the boy who took Annie to San Francisco on his private jet to dinner for the first date, and I can't wait to find out.
But my overall thinking about the future of this show? It will last 3 seasons, 4 maximum. It will not duplicate the caliber the original show made, either. The new 90210 will be like The OC- lots of interest surrounding the the first season, the second season dieing off, and by the third season, nobody really caring much (unlike me- I still cared very much for my weekly Cohen!). And by the fourth season, even for me, an avid, loyal fan, it became painful to watch. It was basically downhill when they decided to kill Marissa Cooper off. That was a brilliant plot twist, but fuck- make the audience think she's dead, don't really kill her! That's what did the show in. And it became a giant sketch comedy when Taylor entered... just horrible. I'm still sad it ended, it was truly and amazing show in it's time. Lot's of juicy plot, but it lost the longevity when one of it's powerhouse characters was shipped off.
This is why I predict 90210 will be like The OC, but maybe a little worse. There was a lot going on in those 2 hours. It felt more like a movie with a crummy ending than an actual TV show. So many things were tossed in the 2 hour (plus too many commercial) period, that I hope they don't run out of ideas. See, there are not many other shows that are aimed for teens that seem to work by gradually working things out and never seem to end and have at least ten memorable characters that you can identify and attach to. There is only one that comes to the top of my head:
Yep, the Canadian drama that has been in my life since 2001, and I admit to still loving it. I have to admit it's the most believable, and the issues, the way they are approached, aren't forced. It's a very well written show, the actors are chosen correctly, gah, I can go on and on how perfect this show is for Young Adult entertainment. And now, approaching 2009, they're still going!
Well, here's some upbeat tunes I hope you like!
By the way, Electrojuice are a 14 and 15 duo from Denmark. Amazing, yes?!
Hej hej,
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Space space Space space Space
natalie portman's shaved head - sophisticated side ponytail from thatgo on Vimeo.
That Go on myspace: That Go
NPSH on myspace: Natalie Portman's Shaved Head
Hej hej,
Me oh my
No excuse. I just have not really been wanting to update.
So, over the last week I have been growing very nostalgic lately for late 90s/early 00s bubblegum pop music. I've cracked out my Steps and Radio Disney compilation discs, and listening to them like mad.
Only in hopes to remember the good times of being a youngin'.
A load of my friends have moved out of their homes and have started learning the wisdom of the world... and I'm home, reading, trying to keep my brain sharp. I have resorted to memorizing poems to keep it up in ship-shape. I've managed a Robert Burns- down to the spelling and punctuation. And no, I will not type it up on here, because some out there have trust issues. "Well, she must have copy pasted"
I'm not dealing with people like you. Thanks.
Back to music- to go with this post (and I know the image has nothing to do with it, haha!) I uploaded a nice little 11 and a half minute mix from DJ Plastic that I found when browsing youtube at the wee hours of the morn, watching A*Teens videos. It's not that great, but I still love A*Teens (I vaguely remember their opening act when I saw Britney Spears on her 2000 tour) and therefore, I suggest you just listen to this.
Hej hej,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Olympics started, and I am a huge swim fan... that's the first week. I had to watch Michael Phelps make history this week. To be completely honest, I teared up during a few races- even almost hyperventilated to the point of almost blacking out. I am that hardcore/intense of a fan.
Last Wednesday I had the wisdom teeth removed, soooo I was out for a few days, not really wanting to do anything but sleep and watch prime time Olympics. Now, almost a week from the procedure, the swelling is down, I'm taking my horse pills of ibuprofen and amoxicillin, and await the 20th this week to have my stitched removed. I am so tired of these darned stitches... and I am starting to get a feeling that they are tired of me, too!
I had a couple weeks where I was scared to wanting to go and move to school. My roommate, Sasha, was kind enough to email me the day of my surgery (not knowing about it...), and it relaxed my anxieties a little. Even duvet cover shopping mellowed me out today. I am hoping I can find a way to meet up before we move in, that'd be much less awkward than on moving day going, "Hey- erm, hi!"
SO Excuses, excuses. You're really not caring anymore... so here is my second summer mix of the month that is way overdue! I had it done yesterday, but I was really not feeling it to blog. I was busy responding to Maura (the artist featured in this post) about pancakes, Scottish and Swedes, and books. Be sure to check out Maura's other work on her flickr photostream!
It has a little old, a little new. Not really summery like the "Kelly" from Van She (I love that band), but it contains some songs I've been really 'diving' into, lately. Badumpshh.
I hope I find something more interesting to post later...
Hej hej,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ode To Summer, Ett
Hi there. Summer is tapering very quickly... it's almost depressing. I am also a big fat liar. I told you I would do a double post, and I failed to do this. Oh well, the day has passed. I had more time to mull over it, sooo maybe it's better? Actually, it is. I made a playlist! Of summery tunes. Even if you don't find some of them summery, then I'll classify them simply as "fun to party to" and that's all you need for summer.
If you've caught on yet, I made a playlist as an ode to summer days. They remind me a of sunny days, random travels, late night mayhem... everything a teenage summer is all about. It's very unfortunate when I think about it, this is my last four month summer EVER in my life. Jobless, bill-less, not many personal responsibilities but a few chores and remembering to wake up. God, if only every day was a summer day. Even if you get bored... when you have so much to do, all you want to revert back to is a beautiful summer day.
So, here is my first Ode to Summer mix, out of four (one for each week-- o0o0o0o0o), and I hope you'll enjoy.
Hej hej,
P.S. That Jack's Mannequin really is new! You can get it when you pre-order Andrew's upcoming album, "The Glass Passenger," to be released on September 30. For the time being, his "The Ghost Overground EP" was released today with the first single, "The Resolution" and I pretty much creamed with excitement (sorry) and a thousand percent more anticipation for "The Glass Passenger." It's been too long for this album.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Who's on First?
Today I present to you a two parter to make up for the lack of updateage. I really should spread it out to multiple days, but I can't... there's too much going on in the music world!
In this post, I present two songs from two artists. One that I stumbled across, the other I have known about for some time and just felt compelled to post them because they tickle my ears. They both are not something you'd hear on your typical day (unless if you're into this type of stuff). The Painted Word, who oddly enough have a song named after their band, which I found bizarre and presumed it was an error at first, have produced this Psychedelic pop dream that remind me of a drowning Joy Zipper song. If you aren't familiar with Joy Zipper... ignore that phrase and listen to the song anyways. As for Feral Children, I actually came across them a few months ago after being messaged by Sarathan Records' advertising manager, Chris (hiya!), about their newest addition to the Sarathan family, War Tapes. I looked at their other artists, and Feral Children instantly stuck out with that name. I had to check them out.
The Seattle-based band (I swear I'm not doing all this Seattle music on purpose!) is ultimately classified under the experimental rock genre. Then again, what isn't nowadays? Trust me, it's good and it's different. If you're a little sketch and would like a comparison, I'd call them an octave mellower Man Man.
As for the artist of the post... he's a filmmaker and photographer from the States, and he actually takes beautiful portraits. I'm sorry I didn't post any... I guess that means you're going to have to follow those links now, yes? Trust me- when you see "Wrapped Up In Books." you'll understand what I'm talking about. Also, click here to watch some of his videos.
Stay tuned for a second post today!
Hej hej,
Friday, August 1, 2008
A pola of my teeth right after I got my braces off. So grimey! All the gunk growing in my gum's (eww that sounds disgusting) is horrible, but they look damn spiffy and pretty as a thumbnail. I was so happy that day they came off. Until the retainers went in...
I decided to update now before I leave for the beach tonight. I'm going to my friends beach house for a bonfire, gonna be sweet. Woah- is "gonna" a real word now? Has it been? I just typed it... and there is no red line under it saying that it is spelled incorrectly. Oh, the English language sometimes terrifies me... but I love it.
Good schtuff for ya'll to enjoy while I dance around the fire this evening! Here's a totally wicked/rad band from the Pacific Northwest-- SEATTLE to be specific, who just released their debut album, "Glistening Pleasure," in the middle of July. They have been lined up for best band name of the year (thought they've been around for a while) and even have been name-dropped in a Questionable Content webcomic. You know you've got props if you're in a webcomic.
Natalie Portman's Shaved Head.
Now you see what the bizzz is all about them. All you have to do is hear it and please get the CD-- it's available in digital format, and if you live in the Seattle area, go to your local independent record store, it'll be there! I can't wait for my physical copy in September... mmm. I've been anticipating for this for a year after someone sent me a demo version of "Beard Lust".
Much love
Hej hej,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Isn't it nice to know?
What is up when you turn your head to look over at a car, there is someone in that car looking straight at you? It's inevitable. This always happens to me, and today was no exception. Just cruising the sidewalk today, and this guy in a truck slows, and gives me a thumbs up. I quicken my pace... and just think, 'What in the world?'
Then on the way home, a man at a mechanic shop stops me as I pass by, greets me and asks if I'd like to buy a car. Erm-- I'm obviously fine walking... yes? CARS KILL THE O-ZONE.
Though I'd love a brand new Mini Cooper or two-door Yaris... but- public trans and legs, for the win.
Since I got a bundle of goodies today (not to mention the other day when I was ranting about my NAU problem, I resolved that over the phone today, and I don't recall mentioning I saw the Terracotta Warriors at the Bower's- if you live in So. Cal, you HAVE to go see it. So amazing, and to believe they haven't excavated all of the Emperor's tomb- not even his burial site!) I think I'm going to deliver a basket full of treasures. Mixtapes!
I'm going to start with this Overthrill mixtape that has over 200,000 downloads off their own zshare link (that I will provide to keep the click's a'growing), so that really should tell you something. It has loads of bitchin' tunes, including a lot of 'mainstream' songs, such as '4 Minutes' and 'Pass That Dutch'. It's a really handy mix to have when you're throwing a party and you need an hours worth of music at the end of the night. From Busy P to Pussycat Dolls, it's pretty rad. GET IT:
Here is a mini Sebastian Tellier Mix, and I loveh im to bits, but I'll be honest and say that it's... alright. It was made for some American Apparel thing (after all, he DJed at the AA factory sale Sunday in LA!).
Then, I thought I'd spread the love some more and keep sharing my very own mixtape I made in the wee hours during Easter Vacation this year. It's actually my first effort, so please understand that there are a lot of generic tunes thrown into this.
Any Syler- "Atlantis Practice"
1. Drugs in My Body - Thieves Like Us
2. Trick or Treatz (Klaxons Remix) - Metronomy
3. Breathe (Ultra Tiger Remix) - Telepopmusik
4. Zdarlight - Digitalism
5. Untrust Us - Crystal Castles
6. Get Down (Radio Edit) - Groove Armada feat. Stush
7. Ready to Uff (TV Track) - Uffie
8. Haent - Slagsmalsklubben
9. Rich Girls - The Virgins
10. Space and the Woods (Neon Plastix Remix) - Late of the Pier
11. By The Time That They Reach You (The Bag Raiders Remix) - Kim
12. Black Gloves - Goose
12. Cubicle - Rinocerose
14. Elvis - These New Puritans
15. Wake Up - Lo-Fi-Fnk
16. Vanished - Crystal Castles
I know I sold out with putting Crystal Castles in there twice- but I consider "Untrust Us" a little bridge...
Enjoy le mixes! I actually made a second one, but I really don't think it was as good (not to say this was good in the first place!), therefore it's never been unleashed on the internet. Maybe one day...
Hej hej,
Saturday, July 26, 2008
When You Have a Bicentennial Bill
I wonder if this blog post will be filled with "When you..." 's? Well, it is evident I am home. What you can't tell yet is that I'm miserable. I was on a post-orientation high on Wednesday through Friday. Then today happened, and my mood is just rotten. I'll get to that...
Olivia Bee is only in her early teens, and (almost) everyday she dazzles me with her extravagant photographs. Holy crap. Yes, she really is 14. I'm starting to become a little irked at how good these youngin's are! This photograph is probably one of my fav's from her photostream (though I have a bjillion more) and I advise you to check out the rest of them. Plus, she's a cool cat (an A in my books, she listens to cool music and has superb fashion sense. Chyeah).
Here's a few tunes for you to filter as you skim (and yawn) through this 'pointless' post:
I'll just belt it:
I'm frustrated as fuck right now. I have two University's that I've pretty much ignored sending the deposit to, assuming they'd get the hint (like the rest of my friends who ignored their schools and they just stopped sending them things, took them off the list immediately after May 1). Nope. It's... hmmm... three months later? And I see in the mail my MPN (Master Provisionary Note... I think that's right) for my student loan is going to be dispatched to a school in Arizona in the middle of August. WHAT?! Yes, bullcrap. I didn't even want to go to school there... and once I was conned into submiting an ap there, the letters wouldn't stop flooding in from them. I am not exaggerating, I recieved at least one letter per week from them. I even got a letter from the Mayor of Flagstaff.
When I visited Northern Arizona University on the weekend before my Easter vacation, it was gruesome travel across the Highway 40. Upon arrival in the quiet truckstop town, I instantly wanted to either keep driving elsewhere or go home. No offense to anyone who goes to school there or grew up in Flagstaff, but I'm an urban girl. Even with the workers in the sorry mall (again, no offense, but I really don't constitue Hollister, Torrid, Sears, and Dillards as means for a solid shopping experience) couldn't convince me to go to school there and not to worry because "Pheonix is only a two hour drive from here!" Nope. The only upside to the place is that there is high elevation, which means ski opportunities aren't far, and apparently Ian Thorpe goes to NAU for high elevation swim training. God, I love Ian Thorpe. Back to hell... I got a stye in my eye that evening, so we had to drive to the nearest Walgreens and hack out $20 in over the counter treatment, and I begged to stop into Barnes and Noble (it's a new addition to the city, according to the residents) for at least an epic-sized copy of Vogue and maybe a few others to look through on the way home.
I looked through that copy at least five times on the way home.
I hate driving through desert, and I honestly find no beauty in it. After a while, being DJ got boring for the driver, and I was finding it more difficult to chose the right tunes from my one hundred plus CDs I stocked in the back seat.
I would like to say that I think I went to Flagstaff very close minded, because I have never enjoyed Arizona. Every experience and trip to Arizona has been hell for me, I hate it, and I guess I was in the mindset of saying "No" without giving it a chance. Hell, it was just too quiet for me, and it wasn't near any mass body of water within two hours. Lakes not counting.
Pardon me, I didn't expect to go on a ramble about my severe distaste for trips to Arizona... and just the being there makes me miserable (and it clearly doesn't like me being there, either- it gave me a stye).
SO... back this MPN business about my Federal Loans: I never signed an MPN for NAU, only for Seattle University. I have not sent in any deposit to this school to claim my spot... and I tried to contact via internet, but I could not find the button where it says "NO THANK YOU" anywhere. I have to call them on Monday. There is a gaping hole in my that wants to just yell at them, "Fuck you, Flagstaffians, quit assuming crap and take me off your list!" but that is just rude, so I'll be a dear and say, "I'm not going to your school. Thank you for the offer, but I'm heading north, not east!" Simple as? It better not be a twenty questions game with them. I swear I'll hang up on them if they go to measures of begging me. For the record: it's a very beautiful campus. It's just the town itself... was too quiet for me. If you're into places that are in mountain towns, where it looks like you're at summer camp (well, that is more like UC Santa Cruz), then go ahead. I'm an urban girl- I need my action, I need to have close access to entertainment (apparently in Flagstaff there is one theater... and once in a blue moon bands will stop by for a gig).
I sound like a spoiled brat... but for those who have gone to college, you understand that atmosphere is everything. You have to enjoy your environment in order to truly pull through. Thus, my heart is moving to Seattle. Comprende?
"The artist." by Olivia Bee
I wish you all to cheerful moods! Next post will be smiley-er. And new music.
Hej hej,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
For now, I'm going to leave you with a few wonderful songs, starting with one from Emiliana Torrini, whose new single, "Me and Armeni," will be out in the middle of next month. This song is golden. It leaves a very good taste in my mouth.
Now I'm counting down the days until I hear this on an episode of Grey's Anatomy.
Here's a little City and Colour with Gordon Downie. I don't know what it is, but it just gives you that emotional/powerful feeling when you hear the chorus. I love it:
Finally, some of The Morning Benders, a fun California (represent!) indie pop band. They remind me of some good old 60s rock with a piano thrown in- erm, very Beatles-esque when I first heard this. Here is their new single, "Waiting For A War."
I'm so tired, I can't believe I have to get up in four hours. Urgh. Have a joyous Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I'm off to snag import mags at the airport. Haha.
Hej hej,
Friday, July 18, 2008
Why is packing difficult?
There are so many questions. This was definitely one that has never crossed my mind. You hear it all of the time, "Oh, this hand bag is the best thing since sliced bread," and all that jazz, but who the heck made that up? Where did slice bread have the right to come in? I understand cutting bread on your own is a difficult task when you don't have a serrated bread knife, and even more so when it' a soft loaf. But how was sliced bread regarded so high?
Another few questions on quirky sayings that I've heard before and (sometimes) use. Starting with... "That just chaps my hide." I know, it sounds like something your great aunt would say (actually mine says "My aching fanny" but I avoid using that. Since Fanny has gained multiple meanings after Miss Price), but I have wondered why it is so amusing for me to say. I occasionally slip it into conversation... get a few stares, then laughs. It's just an amusing saying, and I have no idea why.
Wow. Went on a bit... Colie Parks is the Pola queen. She has hundreds archived on her flickrstream, and if you are in love with one of them enough, she might just have it available for purchase. Check her profile for pricings and such.
So, today's featured music artist is Ladyhawke. I wouldn't regard her as the best thing since sliced bread, but I have to say she is mighty good. Hailing form the (now affiliated with) land of Middle Earth, sheep, and Kiwi's, simply known as New Zealand, she's currently signed to Australian electro-label, Modular, and has been raising heat recently with her songs and labelmates, Van She and Cut Copy, who've produced excellent remixes of a couple of her songs. Give a listen to her latest single that came out at the very end of June (yes, June 30 to be precise), "Paris is Burning," along with that Cut Copy remix I mentioned, and an Alex Gopher remix..
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Raise Your Hand if it's Humid
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
"Untitled" by Sara Johanne Larssen
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to make this blog, and since I'm not in the mood to start reading yet, I decided to do this epic, post filled with energized guitar-driver songs. I know I've gone either folky, dancey, or just plain meditational on you. So, I will make it up but throwing in some variety. And I promise you downloads at the end of this (wahey!). Please, stick with me here- it is going to take intense concentration to listen to all of these tracks. Ready?
Oh, and, both photos posted are mine- if you're feeling generous, please feel free to click on 'em to see more about 'em.
I'll start out with a little Cajun Dance Party. Last summer I denied my approval for them. I feel like a tit- they're so fun. I heard their single, "Colourful Life" and I have to admit it's awesometastic. Judge it for yourself -I'm really limiting my words per song today- there are so many!
Space Disco
"Paint Splatter" by starlitandmoonstruck
I love the lighting and colours of this. What a mess this must have been, but I bet it was fun to do. If I were in the models position, I'd most likely be scared of the fact there was paint over my eyes- massive globs of it, to the point that if I opened them... I'd not see. Still, it's brilliant.
Today I bring you a (close to) thirty minute song from Lindstrøm of Norway. His 'first proper album' debuts on the start of the Beijing Olympics (counting down, baby)- 8.8.08. It's a really laidback and fuzzy, wild ride. He's credited to making 'space disco' and I think that is a pretty accurate description. It's like Sally Shapiro, minus the vocals, plus the spacey swirls. So kick off your shoes, and just take a half hour to relax. Take some time out for yourself. You'll feel better. And what better to listen to relax with then Where You Go I Go Too?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
32. Life is a Test. It is Only a Test.
Hej hej,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Put Some Sunshine in Your Life.
"a big nothing - 2" by Anne-Hélène Lebrun (a.k.a. Frall)
Howdy, ya'll. I hope everyone is having a beautiful day, evening, or whatever time it is when you are reading this. I have been a major slacker by not updating my blog as often as I should, it's just I try to make a point at including a song in my post... and I haven't really found anything worth posting lately! Anyhow, I've been rescued and have found something.
I present to you Micah P. Hinson. Hailing from the good ole' U.S.A. his cutesy banjo (which really made the instant descision for me to post this. I'm a sucker for banjo's) and Johnny Cash-inspired vocals, it was an instant winner to my ears. It's a short song, falling under 2 minutes, but it's pretty much the adorable love song of the moment:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Car Her
Museums and Prisons
Couple things today. A new pre-listening edit from Of Montreal is out on the net! Less than half a day ago it was uploaded to Fairtilizer (thank life for that site, bless) and it is just- just- oh gooorsh, listen.
Tea? Check out the rest of this kids flickr! His "Innovation" set is very interesting. I can't believe it- another fourteen year old creative genius featured on the blog. Now: make some tea, pour for two, drink it down, then have some brew. I wish you a bright and sunny day tomorrow!
Hej hej,
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Protect or Entertain?
They have glitched, sped, and pumped up this song as high as it can go. The original mix is pretty sick, featuring Murs. Maybe I like it so much because of all the LA shout outs...?
Here is the slow cousin to the Crooker remix, DJ Mehdi 's 99Rap Mix:
I actually just found this version today (curse me; I don't go on Fairtilizer for a week, and this is what I miss!) and I have to still say I prefer the Crookers' take on it, but it's probably because of the adrenaline that is surging in my veins when I hear it.
A few words about the artist in the feature piece today- she used rope lights to achieve this affect- she has loads more with it. If pen lights are on the rise ever since that Sprint PCS commercial, I predict rope lights are the subjects of the experimental photographic future. Click to check out the rest of her gallery, she has loads more that are just as interesting with more colors.
Hej hej,
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Make Music Pasadena: 21 June 2008
I arrived and snagged my free goodies- sponsors included Urban Outfitters, Filter Magazine (love), Dangerbird Records, and LA Weekly. I walked out with free CDs, Sea Wolf vinyl, Urban tote, free issues of Filter, and loads of other cool swag. Yay for being early! It was already cooking outside, a cool 101 degrees Farenheit, and a nice space with little shade at the bar calling my name as soon as I had my swag bag. First on: Plastiscines.
They're a Nylon-fueled favourite I had heard lots of good about, and though they performed at Coachella this year, they had a ridiculous time slot so they haven't really had their time to shine to the American audience. Hailing from the streets of Paris, this quartet's album LP1 has been on frequent rotation ever since their performance last Saturday. They remind me of The Go-Go's with a Parisian twist, every song packed with excitement and making you want to dance and singalong (even if you can't speak French, you can memorize and sing with their tune 'Zazie Fait De La Bicyclette' after the first chorus). They brought out a lot of the people from the shade to the front of the stage, and played the longest set of the day (their sound check went the smoothest). Here is a remix of their addictive song, 'Loser'. Be sure to check out their myspace for other original songs.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
20 June 2008: Warped Tour, Tre
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
20 June 2008: Warped Tour, Tva
They were simply adorable- in between songs they did their best english to encourage us to dance. "Shake your booty!" they egged on, and caused a giant stir. Their set was also on my top for the entire day.
Cobra Starship was playing over at one of the mainstages still, I still had no clue where to go to kill a few hours until my next performance I wanted to see. I really didn't want to see Cobra, but I headed over anyways to go rest under one of the refugee tents, in a bunch of hot shade. I found a couple friends that I chatted with, and honestly didn't pay attention to Gabe's performance. It was so damn hot, I went through both of my water bottles (people, bring a backpack, with loads of your own water- they allow it) and I was downing my first purchase of Powerade. $4 never tasted so good.
I made my way to the OTHER mainstage, on the other side of campus, to get prepared for Anberlin. Gym Class Heroes were playing their set, with a massive crowd in front of the stage. I did the smart thing, arrive a set early, and got my sneak on. I would creep in every open space I saw, to get closer to the stage to make sure I'd have a better chance for the front for Anberlin. I enjoyed GCH's set, they decided to cover Every Time I Die. That was wicked awesome- because Every Time I Die are the sex (I really try not to use that term, I couldn't resist in this situation). They obvsiously have amazing sing-alongs, and the crowd wasn't as viscious as I'd imagine it would be. They played a song from their upcoming album- I like what I heard. They ended with "Clothes Off" which tempted a few girls to throw their shirts on the stage. I kid you not.
This ain't over!
20 June 2008: Warped Tour, Ett
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Z Y X W V U T . . .
Hi there.
Today is a very spifferific, fun diddly day. I saw Kung Fu Panda and it was very cute. I was pretty consumed with the fact they were random talking animals used in this movie (Finding Nemo wasn't much of a surprise with talking fish only because I had seen them before from The Little Mermaid), that I didn't even notice the big celebrity names that were doing the voices. The only voice I recognized before the credits rolled was Jack Black. When I saw Dustin Hoffman I was sat in my seat and said, "Whaaat?" Yes, you should have seen my face. MY friends brother was ready to get the hell out of there, but we stayed a wee longer to watch the mighty fine credits. If you see KFP, watch the credits. They roll horizontal, not vertical- much easier on the eyes.
As for the movie itself, it was pretty chill. I laughed in some moments, and other moments I turned my head to glare at the child next to me who kept crying, but would instantly stop when I gave him the stare. I have been gifted with that certain stare that gets children to stop misbehaving with the guidance of my mother, but it only lasts so long... maybe in ten years it'll work like a charm. Erm, I don't want to think about that right now.
"Letters" by Chloe
As you can see, the theme for todays pictures is letters. This is simply because after I heard Tokyo Police Club's cover of "Friends of P" (originally performed by The Rentals) and I decided to show some letter lovin'. The song is available for free download off of their Friends of P website: Take a visit! The site is to help raise awareness (and dinero) to benefit Lupus (check out the site for more information about it if you're unfamiliar with the disease). Here's something that might interest you to check it out: the first 50 people to donate over $15 to the Lupus fund recieve a free "Friends of P" tote. I have to admit, it's pretty damn cute:
Give a listen to the cover, then let me know what you think!
I've found some other songs off Fairtilizer that I would make a new post about, but what the hell, might as well just make one super post, right? These go perfectly with the whole "adorable" songs them...
"letters" by Denis Salopek
James Yuill has been doing the Electro-Folk thing for a couple of years. He recently released his song "No Surprise" with Moshi Moshi and announced a summer tour in the UK. Please visit his myspace, James Yuill at Myspace, for the exact dates, places, and times, and treat your ears to a few other songs Moshi Moshi picked up, then let me know if you decide to go to one of his shows! For now you can listen to "No Surprise" and just bathe in it's Postal Service-esque vibe with cuteness factor to the power of a very large number.
Hey You!