This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I went to an open mic night.

I didn't read. I sat. I sat in a big comfy chair.
Sank into it. And stared at the ceiling. Maybe laughed. Maybe flinched.
For the most part it was terrible.
But, it was an experience.
A new way I acquired inside jokes with friends. "Cops, cops, cops!" we yelled all the way home. "George, I think we're fucked up!"
He looked like charlie Bartlett. He really, truly, did. Except, not as cute of course.
Twisted poetry. I think he was a captive of a cult as a young child.
Another Capricorn was there. They were drunk. It was unlike them to read, and sing, and be themselves. How enlightening/endearing. Maybe next time I will come more prepared.
Maybe I will read.
Maybe I won't.
Probably not.
I'm a wuss. And I suck. And I don't make much sense.

Hej hej,


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