I don't understand all of these fruit fly gangs this year.
Isn't it weird at night: you look to the darkness of the East, but can still see the lightness in the West.
It still hasn't hit me.
I will be gone for a month.
In another country.
It will change me, but will I change for it?
A wonderful conversation- very brief- was sparked this early morn'. I have known this person for close to 6 years- we have had our ups and downs, but we are the closest we have been right now.
I said to her, "You know- it's so interesting to see how much people change when they go to college. I don't feel like I have done anything."
She said, "Don't feel like that. You knew who you were in high school, and you shouldn't feel obligated to have a dramatic change."
Strong statements.
Did I really know who I was 5 years ago?
Well. I was a water polo and swim jock addicted to pop punk.
4 years ago?
I didn't like water polo as much and liked swim much more and listened to screamo. AP magazine was my bible.
3 years ago?
I hated most of the people on the water polo team and only did it to stay in shape for swim. Fuck that pop punk and screamo shit. I loved electro.
2 years ago?
I worked a part time job at Baskin Robbins, used my tip money to buy NME weekly (my new bible, fuck Alternative Press). I only did water polo so it would look 'consistent' on my college transcripts. I hated everyone I knew at school. I cried. And cried. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to read. I didn't want to do a damn thing.
1 year ago?
I loved rowing. That was my life. Didn't really stay in the loop with current events or new music.
And now?
Well- I am more confused than ever. I look back, and there isn't a damn thing that sticks out in my mind and makes me think, "You really know yourself, Any."
I really don't know who I am, who I want to be. There is this idealized visual in my mind and I don't know how to get to it.
Why the fuck am I griping about this shit here?
Good god.
Maybe I am bitter over the current events that have occurred over the last few months.
My prediction was partially true.
stop thinking about that-
don't let it consume you
i can't
yes you can
no i cannot
shut the hell up.
you can.
Hej hej,