I fell in love with a boy whose words I never understood.
I sat in my mother's living room with my computer plugged in to the modem at midnight in late March. My eyes were tired from the day, but I couldn't sleep. So, I decided to look through this boys life. I found his life several months ago, and I forget about it for a few weeks. I figured I would catch up and see what he was up to, so I went through the last month recorded. Beautiful accounts, from what I saw. I never knew what he was writing- it was an arrangement of letters I could never make out. I didn't even know his name. It took me a while when I first found his life to find out who he actually was.
When I was certain he was who he was (I thought it couldn't have been him, as he was present in too many of the photographs... but it turned out to be who I thought it was), I almost felt like I was starting to understand what was going on in his life more. I was no longer intimidated with the strange script on his page.
I called him David.
I never knew his real name, but he looked like he could be a David.
The more I looked at the words, I realized what language it was. I daren't use google translate, in fear of relying on it to interpret what David was all about. Instead, I kept him and all of his friends strictly visuals.
You know me and my fascination of fantasy people.
It is so strange to think David actually exists. He lives and breathes on this planet. And I only know him by the photographs that he posts. He doesn't even know that I look at them. Isn't that creepy? So extremely creepy. The price he pays publicizing his photographs. I bet he doesn't realize there is someone thousands of miles away from where he lives creating a storyline in their crazy little noggin, thinking he lives a tragically ornate life, the desperate wishes every American youth wishes to experience on a Saturday.
I never thought I would fall in love with David's pictures. David's life.
I think I fell in love with him because I wanted to be him.
Or one of those beautiful girls that he knew. Oh, to witness that divinity in the flesh would be heaven.
Instead, he would forever remain a 1081px × 1600px piece of pixelated beauty.
I said my prayers, ironically listened to "Young Adult Friction" by Pains of Being Pure at Heart," rubbed my eyes, and closed my computer. I turned off the modem and went to bed.
Only to have dreams about having long, luscious locks and an Irish beau at my side.
Hej hej,
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