This is all a work of fiction.

Life is a fiction.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Labor omnia vicit.

Work conquered everything.

Good ol' Virgil.

I'm not the greatest Latin student, let me begin with that, but the stress that continues with this class is driving me nuts. I enjoy knowing about it, this is very true. There is always some kind of "Oooooh" factor when someone asks what foreign language I am taking. Enough about Latin. I can have a catch-up weekend, as it is a 'long' one.

I hope to spend this weekend having adventures in reading some of my books that I purchased yesterday.
I went crazy. I need to obtain a library card, as I have all of my shelve space at maximum capacity. And I shouldn't spend so much money on books that I have never read before. I mean... I had an adventure. There were many I picked up that I have been dieing to read, and I know I shall enjoy them, but there is another part of me that needs to conserve the cash for other things. Though, books are a nice investment. Plus, galumphing through a library is always amazing.

Before I forget, I am going to make a little list of things to do. Stickie notes (on the computer or on my door!) are not only doing it for me anymore.

Things I must fulfill within the next few days
1. Finish two books, begin a third
2. Complete my maths homework
3. Complete my English assignment online
4. Recopy all 17 Chapters of Latin notes, at my convenience
5. Purchase a memory card for my camera
6. Buy a Birthday card and mail it to my Uncle
7. Purchase milk for breakfast so I do not have to go during next week for some
8. Attend the play-writing workshop in two weeks
9. Establish a solid idea for my first attempt at a play... that must be completed in less than a month

Thank you for this (semi-) brief interlude.
I have things to do... and being that maths is in about one hour... I reckon I am off to go finish one of those books on my list! 'Tis The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime- I should have finished this earlier this week, but I was lazy, stressed, the list of negative adjectives goes ad infinitum.

(See how I cleverly managed to begin and end this on a Latin note?)

Hej hej,

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