It is 9:25 on a Saturday morning. I have been up for at least two hours. This hardly ever happens in the college world... usually I sleep in on the weekends, or I would dream to sleep in later on the weekends. I don't get the chance to anymore. I am constantly thinking of what is going to happen, what I am going to do, if I can get it done... what a crazy month it has been. I feel horrible that I have neglected posting on this. It was a great, liberating feeling, clicking that orange button, "Publish Post" virtually everyday. If I was lucky, maybe even got up to posting well over twice in one day.
The sound of coffee sounds so rich right now. To my surprise, I have had coffee maybe only 5 times since I have moved here in Seattle. Record, right? The city known for it's range of little independent coffee shops. I am thinking about having some coffee today. My head hurts slightly to the right.
I have many reasons to be excited for this weekend, yet I am not fully feeling it yet. As a member of my school's Crew team, I am traveling to Portland for the Fall Classic regatta for tomorrow. Naturally, I am scared out of my mind that something could go wrong, but I don't think anything will. Knock on wood. There are just so many other things to do before I leave tonight, and I don't know how it is going to get done... maybe if I wasn't sitting here, at this table down in the lobby of my Resident Hall, I could be a little more productive.
It's been hard to find some new music lately. Really tough, as I have been more busy trying to find a balance between school, schoolwork, job searching, crew practice, eating, sleeping, and having "me" time. So far, it's a little rough, but it'll even itself out eventually.
I need a job desperately...
... I have about 3 hours of Latin to parse.
Maybe I'll throw in a load of sheets to do with laundry! I feel like I do laundry all of the time, now. Ugh.
From this step on, I will do my best to not be a stranger anymore.
Hej hej,