Sunday, June 29, 2008
Protect or Entertain?
They have glitched, sped, and pumped up this song as high as it can go. The original mix is pretty sick, featuring Murs. Maybe I like it so much because of all the LA shout outs...?
Here is the slow cousin to the Crooker remix, DJ Mehdi 's 99Rap Mix:
I actually just found this version today (curse me; I don't go on Fairtilizer for a week, and this is what I miss!) and I have to still say I prefer the Crookers' take on it, but it's probably because of the adrenaline that is surging in my veins when I hear it.
A few words about the artist in the feature piece today- she used rope lights to achieve this affect- she has loads more with it. If pen lights are on the rise ever since that Sprint PCS commercial, I predict rope lights are the subjects of the experimental photographic future. Click to check out the rest of her gallery, she has loads more that are just as interesting with more colors.
Hej hej,
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Make Music Pasadena: 21 June 2008
I arrived and snagged my free goodies- sponsors included Urban Outfitters, Filter Magazine (love), Dangerbird Records, and LA Weekly. I walked out with free CDs, Sea Wolf vinyl, Urban tote, free issues of Filter, and loads of other cool swag. Yay for being early! It was already cooking outside, a cool 101 degrees Farenheit, and a nice space with little shade at the bar calling my name as soon as I had my swag bag. First on: Plastiscines.
They're a Nylon-fueled favourite I had heard lots of good about, and though they performed at Coachella this year, they had a ridiculous time slot so they haven't really had their time to shine to the American audience. Hailing from the streets of Paris, this quartet's album LP1 has been on frequent rotation ever since their performance last Saturday. They remind me of The Go-Go's with a Parisian twist, every song packed with excitement and making you want to dance and singalong (even if you can't speak French, you can memorize and sing with their tune 'Zazie Fait De La Bicyclette' after the first chorus). They brought out a lot of the people from the shade to the front of the stage, and played the longest set of the day (their sound check went the smoothest). Here is a remix of their addictive song, 'Loser'. Be sure to check out their myspace for other original songs.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
20 June 2008: Warped Tour, Tre
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
20 June 2008: Warped Tour, Tva
They were simply adorable- in between songs they did their best english to encourage us to dance. "Shake your booty!" they egged on, and caused a giant stir. Their set was also on my top for the entire day.
Cobra Starship was playing over at one of the mainstages still, I still had no clue where to go to kill a few hours until my next performance I wanted to see. I really didn't want to see Cobra, but I headed over anyways to go rest under one of the refugee tents, in a bunch of hot shade. I found a couple friends that I chatted with, and honestly didn't pay attention to Gabe's performance. It was so damn hot, I went through both of my water bottles (people, bring a backpack, with loads of your own water- they allow it) and I was downing my first purchase of Powerade. $4 never tasted so good.
I made my way to the OTHER mainstage, on the other side of campus, to get prepared for Anberlin. Gym Class Heroes were playing their set, with a massive crowd in front of the stage. I did the smart thing, arrive a set early, and got my sneak on. I would creep in every open space I saw, to get closer to the stage to make sure I'd have a better chance for the front for Anberlin. I enjoyed GCH's set, they decided to cover Every Time I Die. That was wicked awesome- because Every Time I Die are the sex (I really try not to use that term, I couldn't resist in this situation). They obvsiously have amazing sing-alongs, and the crowd wasn't as viscious as I'd imagine it would be. They played a song from their upcoming album- I like what I heard. They ended with "Clothes Off" which tempted a few girls to throw their shirts on the stage. I kid you not.
This ain't over!
20 June 2008: Warped Tour, Ett
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Z Y X W V U T . . .
Hi there.
Today is a very spifferific, fun diddly day. I saw Kung Fu Panda and it was very cute. I was pretty consumed with the fact they were random talking animals used in this movie (Finding Nemo wasn't much of a surprise with talking fish only because I had seen them before from The Little Mermaid), that I didn't even notice the big celebrity names that were doing the voices. The only voice I recognized before the credits rolled was Jack Black. When I saw Dustin Hoffman I was sat in my seat and said, "Whaaat?" Yes, you should have seen my face. MY friends brother was ready to get the hell out of there, but we stayed a wee longer to watch the mighty fine credits. If you see KFP, watch the credits. They roll horizontal, not vertical- much easier on the eyes.
As for the movie itself, it was pretty chill. I laughed in some moments, and other moments I turned my head to glare at the child next to me who kept crying, but would instantly stop when I gave him the stare. I have been gifted with that certain stare that gets children to stop misbehaving with the guidance of my mother, but it only lasts so long... maybe in ten years it'll work like a charm. Erm, I don't want to think about that right now.
"Letters" by Chloe
As you can see, the theme for todays pictures is letters. This is simply because after I heard Tokyo Police Club's cover of "Friends of P" (originally performed by The Rentals) and I decided to show some letter lovin'. The song is available for free download off of their Friends of P website: Take a visit! The site is to help raise awareness (and dinero) to benefit Lupus (check out the site for more information about it if you're unfamiliar with the disease). Here's something that might interest you to check it out: the first 50 people to donate over $15 to the Lupus fund recieve a free "Friends of P" tote. I have to admit, it's pretty damn cute:
Give a listen to the cover, then let me know what you think!
I've found some other songs off Fairtilizer that I would make a new post about, but what the hell, might as well just make one super post, right? These go perfectly with the whole "adorable" songs them...
"letters" by Denis Salopek
James Yuill has been doing the Electro-Folk thing for a couple of years. He recently released his song "No Surprise" with Moshi Moshi and announced a summer tour in the UK. Please visit his myspace, James Yuill at Myspace, for the exact dates, places, and times, and treat your ears to a few other songs Moshi Moshi picked up, then let me know if you decide to go to one of his shows! For now you can listen to "No Surprise" and just bathe in it's Postal Service-esque vibe with cuteness factor to the power of a very large number.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Beginning, Middle, End
DURING THE PARTY: I love the simplicity of this photo, and again, that washed-out look. I wonder where he got those tights...
"Syntetyk" by Narva
AFTER THE PARTY: Yes, when you're tired, exhausted, and just want to get the hell out for an hours rest... then start up again. I love the trippy, blurred vision. Sure, after that Dmitry mix, you'be be stumbling to stay up on two legs.
It's been real, it's been fun, and surprisingly enough it's been REAL FUN.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Various Party
Can You Feel The Sun?
It is so bright, so bold. It is absolutely gorgeous.
This sun is stunning, the sky so rich. I want to touch it, to wring my hands through it.
There aren't any clouds in the sky today, but the sun is very happy. I am a bit emotionless at the moment.
I am very behind... so many years, but I finally heard this song yesterday by chance. It is a free song off of, but "Follow" by Bang Gang is just hauntingly beautiful. When I revisited the lovely gallery of Louise (the artist of the featured photo in this post) I had this song playing, and it certainly made a connection with me. Just listen to this song and way this picture. It almost moves with the music.
Give it a go:
Udda Ögonblicken
I know I am not making much sense. If you are really Swedish, feel free to poke me.
Odd Moments.
Make the best times.
You always remember them.
It has been an awkward summer. So far, uneventful. Upsetting that a certain person borrowed about ten of my CDs and isn't returning my calls. Three of them being from my favourite band. What a fool I am.
I went on an adventure with a friend of mine in a second hand shop last week. I was conned into purchasing two trashy romance novels. I skimmed through one. I pray I will never write like that in my entire life. I avoided the second until today, and it is slightly better. Not trashy, I guess, more romantic.
If the library only had Franz Kafka not missing, I bet Zeus I wouldn't be reading these. Since "The Metamorphosis" is reported missing, I reckon I'll have to go hunting at a used book store (It's pointless to buy books new... unless if they are, well, new, and in this case it isn't) for it. I love going through used books. Surprisingly the inner-hypochondriac doesn't unfold, thinking I may increase my chances of receiving pinkeye or the stomach flu with each page I turn.
A song that I found not too long ago on this fantastic new site, Fairtilizer, has been soothing my ears with each twist and fold through the seconds. It is a song by Kleerup alongside the fabulous Lykke Li. Have a listen.
Hej hej,
Hey You!