Frustrated, angry, pissed off at the world, especially when things aren't going our way.
I am beginning to refresh my mind of all the value lessons I learned this last semester. I have my first three finals coming this Friday, all of my 'easy' ones, you can say. I'm not too thrilled to be taking any, but I am glad I have an extra weekend to brush up on Statistics and Physics.
I began the morning with flipping through and tagging my Art History book with important figures of many periods. It's hard to believe that this was a one semester class. My economics final studying has consumed a few hours already, and I'm only a quarter of a way through. The principle of economics are so simple, I find all of the terms confusing at times. Economic vocabulary is self-explanatory, and that is what makes it so easy, but trying to remember, "does this curve shift left? right? Wait- nothing goes up or down?!" is what hurts my brain. I need to take a deep breath and relax to try to comprehend these things for one last time, and after May 16, 2008, I will no longer need to hold that information in my short term memory. Of course, because I have said this, I'll remember every god damn thing.
The act of chewing gum has helped me concentrate on my studying greatly this weekend. I am never a studying kind, my attention span is horrible (naturally, why else would I be blogging rather than using this precious time defining determinants of supply or nominal GDP?) but I've managed to fly through a lot of work (for me) in the last few hours than I've done all semester. I never took psychology, but it's most likely me being so determined to finish with a positive note. Physics will be an epic fail.
I'm so tired of talking or thinking about final grades. So many things to remind me of it, so many people asking about it. I just want to dive into a summer where I can study what I want, not study anything at all, and not have to worry about grades for the first time in 4 years. I'd always get so nilly about grades every summer thinking, "Oh my goodness, I need to do better next year!" This summer, I know I have an entirely fresh start starting at the end of September. I can explore things I daren't before.
At the time being, I have to wait another two weeks in agony planning things and making sure things go well. Pft.
One thing that is making me happy is photography. I'm a complete amateur, but I've become really fond of taking photos. This first photo posted in this blog is my cousin, actually, and I love how it turned out. I found it appropriate for how I feel at the moment. I'm such a whiner! I promise to stop being a pessimist... just give me a couple weeks!
Hej hej,